Each one of us were sent to this earth with giftings to fulfill our purpose in life.
Stacy Pearson, creator of the Universal Guardian Trust & Caregiver's Guide, believes her brother Shawn's condition need not rob him of leaving a legacy.
That's why Stacy created "Shawn's Gift." The program gifts Special Needs trusts to deserving families raising children with disabilities -protecting them from Probate Guardianship should something happen to their parent-caregivers, and preserving SSI income if assets are inherited.
Probate Court and Probate Guardianship are terrible things for the strong to survive - may it never happen to the most vulnerable among us where strangers take over the care of an individual who cannot express to a future caregiver all the things that only their parents knew. Through "Shawn's Gift" we can raise Probate Guardianship awareness and teach Probate Court avoidance with the use of a properly implemented trust. For more information visit www.UniversalGuardianTrust.com